Monday, October 26, 2009

Class Links

I have a list of blogs that I have been visiting quite frequently and I believe you should visit them too!

A World Of Power
This blog discuses an array of events and actions that the United States has done in the past regarding countries around the world. This blog digs deeper into the United States' role as a superpower and how the US should act towards other countries. There are many key events and issue that this blog talks about. I think it is worth visiting this blog because it creates ideas and questions about the United States that one would never really think about.

Modern Problems with the United Nations

This blog covers many issues that are affecting the United Nations today. This blog is informative and gives a little bit of background in order to understand the basis of some of this issues that are in this blog. This blog is worth visiting because it gives an insight into the dealings that the United Nations is facing. If one wants to be an informed citizen, it would be helpful to know what are the current problems that the world is facing and what is the United Nations doing to solve these issues. This blog also discusses the problems within the United Nations, which many people do not think about. It is overall a very interesting blog.

Federal Government Relations with Native Americans
The Federal Government Relations with Native Americans blog discusses the relationship between the Native Americans, especially about the Seminole and Huran tribes, and how the Federal Government has influenced these tribes. It is very interesting topic because many people do not know or would have never even thought of the economic status and how the government plays a role in these tribes. This blog is very informative and grows your understanding of Native Americans today, especially about their economy. This blog is unique.

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