The future regarding the relations between the United States and Iran may ironically be similar to the past if the issues on Iran's nuclear program and the protests on the Iranian presidential election, remain unsolved. If the issue on Iran' nuclear program remains unsolved, then there may be future conflicts that will block the road to improved relations. In the past, the United States has not trusted Iran's intentions of its nuclear program, and the US is not willing to give up the belief that Iran may be a nuclear threat. If the United States does not trust Iran with its nuclear intentions in the future, then there will be many economic sanctions put in place. This will also lead to a large amount of pressure on Iran to agree with proposals that may take in place in the future. But in the past Iran has delayed major deadlines on important proposals, such as the past IAEA proposal. If Iran keeps on delaying major deadlines such as these, then nothing will be accomplished in the future. Measures will not be passed, and Iran will not be able to continue building its nuclear program and the United States will be tougher. This does not help the development of a transparent nuclear program and it may cause countries to believe, even more, that Iran may be building nuclear weapons. All of this combined can cause friction that may ultimately end in conflicts.
The issue of the past Iranian Presidential elections may also widen the gap between the United States and Iran. For the past couple of protests, the government has blamed the West for influencing these protests. If the government continues to try and stop these opposition protests with police, then this will cause more conflict in Iran between the people who are anti or pro-current government. Also the crackdown on the protesters would lower the United States' view of Iran. But if the United States does not repeatedly mention the suppression of Iran's people, then this issue will continue. Also Iran's leaders have been saying negative statements about America. If Iran keeps on throwing out hateful statements, then the there will be no room for improvements between the United States because the relationship would turn negative. This will affect both Americans and Iranians in a way that will make them view each other with disrespect.
On that note...I thought this quote would fit in quite nicely. This is a statement made by President Obama, yesterday, he said, "We have heard for thirty years what the Iranian government is against; the question, now, is what kind of future it is for." If both Iran and the United States, in the future, keep on looking towards the past then the issues of Iran's presidential election protests and Iran's nuclear program, will not be resolved, thus creating a huge divide between the two countries.
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